Discord Web Game Toolkit

A Node.js application you can customize.
Provides Discord Login, and Discord Bot functionality.

Discord Web Game Toolkit

The source-code provided here is meant to be customized and deployed on your own terms.

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*This project is not affiliated with Discord.

Authentication playground

Login | Logout | Get User From Token


Join the Discord server to test the bot.

What can I expect from this?

✓ A simple well-written TypeScript Node.js application

✓ Discord authentication that easily integrates with your front-end

✓ Instructions on how to create your Discord Application

✓ A Discord Bot that responds to !profile messages

✓ Store user accounts on MongoDB (database can be easily switched)

Discord Bot Demonstration


Need help setting this up on your webgame?

Reach out to endel@gamestd.io for commercial support.

About the author


Endel has 13+ years of experience as a software engineer.

He is an expert on web technologies, JavaScript tooling, and multiplayer game development.